Benefits of the Patient Reward Program from PacificWest Dental Group

Dentist-Shots-4-Laurie-02Have you ever heard of a dentist that offers a rewards program? At PacificWest Dental Group, we’re glad to offer something that most other dentists don’t: opportunities to incentivize the maintenance of your dental health. Our reward program is designed to keep all of our patients happy, even those patients who are afraid of the dentist and our younger patients.

Joining the Patient Rewards Program is great for adults and kids alike. Here are a few of the benefits.

Earn Points Towards Rewards

Maybe the idea is obvious, but we want to reward our patients for taking good care of their teeth. When you sign up for the program, you’ll automatically get points. Each time you complete certain tasks – like taking a trip to the dentist for cleanings and check-ups – you’ll accumulate more points.

What You Get

For our adult patients, the best rewards come in the form of prizes. You can redeem points for prizes and gift cards from many major brands including McDonald’s, Subway, Sports Authority, Apple, Old Navy, and Starbucks, among many others.

We also offer access to many fun games online, as well as contests for even more prizes! Many of the games are fun for adults, but we also have a selection of games just for kids. Our kids games help encourage little ones to get excited about going to the dentist. By getting your kids involved in the Rewards Program, you’ll be teaching them to feel good about regular dental visits, something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Find Out More

The PacificWest Dental Patient Reward Program was designed to help everyone stay on top of their dental health. It’s easy to get busy and to skip dental visits when you’re not experiencing dental pain. But those regular visits are all about avoiding bigger problems. You can make it a bit more fun and benefit from taking good care of your teeth by joining the Patient Reward Program.

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